Topics Handled by Nandakumar Edamana
Notice: Click here to get resources like slides on some of the topics.
Here is a list of usual topics of my talks, lectures or workshops.
- Improving the Performance of Websites and Web Apps
- Good Development Practices and Test Automation
- High-level code generation for productivity, consistency, etc.
- Docker, Kubernetes, etc. (for beginners)
- FreeSEP (Freedom, Security, Ergonomics, Environment and Privacy)
- Free Software (free as in freedom)
- Cyber attacks and basic safety measures
- Online Tracking: how it is done and how to protect yourself
- GNU/Linux
- Philosophy, distributions, desktops, usage, etc.
- The power of command line and shell (Bash) programming
- Redirection and pipes (practical)
- Regular expressions
- Documentation
- LaTeX
- Introduction to Graphviz and Doxygen
- Programming
- GTK+ (C and Python)
- Debugging (including intro to gdb)
- Apache Web Server
- Installation and configuration
- RewriteEngine, .htaccess and other useful features
- CGI programming
- Virtualization
- Remote Computing
- ssh, sshfs, rsync, VNC, etc.
- Practical introductions to Free Software applications including Audacity, ffmpeg, Inkscape, GIMP, Kdenlive, LibreOffice Suit, MuseScore, etc.