Nandakumar Edamana's Personal Website

Internet FAQ

This is the Internet section from the FAQ on
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  1. Which browsers do you use?
  2. Why do you disable JavaScript while browsing?
  3. Which email services and clients do you use?
  1. Which browsers do you use?

    I primarily use Firefox Quantum, w3m, lynx, GNU IceCat and Tor. I've tried and occasionally use other browsers, but keep myself away from any proprietary software. This is the primary reason I don't use Chrome on my computers (although I use Chromium—which is Free Software—for testing purposes).

  2. Why do you disable JavaScript while browsing?

    JavaScript can be a threat to privacy and security, and there is no reason to take that risk while visiting websites just to read something. JS is not necessary to display text and multimedia, including videos. Unfortunately, the practice of choosing JS as the primary way to deliver content is becoming popular among web developers, and I request you not to follow the suite. I don't think JavaScript is for websites; it's for web apps (click here to read more).

    NOTE: I'm ready to enable JS to use web apps if the code is trustworthy and is under a free (as in freedom) license.

  3. Which email services and clients do you use?

    I run my own mail server at, with the help of software packages including postfix and dovecot.

    (Update: I've deleted my entire Google account in November 2018, which means I no longer have a Gmail account.) I still retain the Gmail account that was created probably back in 2008, only for some special purposes. All my regular communication has moved to the account that I have in my own server.

    The primary way I access mail is via Mozilla Thunderbird, and it's my preferred email client.

Last compiled on Sun, 17 Apr 2022 09:22:50 +0530

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